Conference Publication Details
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David Mulligan
IMC 33
Modelling Human Centered Information Systems for Small Industry4.0 Businesses
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Industry4.0 SME
Industry4.0 is the next industrial revolution that is taking place. It is being made possible by innovations in electronic devices such as RFID tags and the internet of things. This has helped to create autonomous entities that temporarily interact in networks so as to take advantage of market opportunities. One of the main blocks to achieving an active network is the ability to integrate the human in this network. To this end a reference model has been developed to aid the modelling of human interaction within a self contained unit by identifying key aspects of the process, context, environment as well as the human operator. An application of this reference model to an SME is presented which as shown to have helped identify key information that must be captured and also some of the benefits of this approach to SMEs including higher utilisation of resources and reduces training.
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