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Darren A. Whitaker and Fraser Buchanan and Mark Billham and Marion McAfee
A UV-Vis spectroscopic method for monitoring of additive particle properties during polymer compounding
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Determination of the dispersion characteristics/or morphology of additives in polymer melts by fast, reliable and accurate on-line methods is highly desired in the polymer industry. An ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopic methodology is described which meets these demands. It is demonstrated that the applied methodology may be developed on a cheap, packaging grade of Polylactic Acid (PLLA), an important bioresorbable polymer for the medical device industry, and still be accurate when implemented on a production line using a more expensive (medical) grade of the polymer compound. Simple chemometric algorithms are applied allowing the data processing step to be carried out in near real time, thus providing vital information to process operators which allows any out of control process to be identified and rectified without product loss.
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